Practice Management Software

Practice Management Software vs Electronic Medical Record software
Why a practice management software is the better choice for your private healthcare practice.
So many times medical practices back out of changing their practice management software because it ‘isn’t the right time’. The time-cost of migrating data, training staff to work with a new software and learning a new workflow on top of the overwhelming demand of daily work seems like just too much, and they postpone the switch to wait for a better time when work is less hectic.
Traditional softwares leave you chasing paperwork and can hinder practice operations due to a lack of a smart booking software and transparent analytics for practice management, all of which take up valuable time in the day. The sooner you take the leap and switch to a software that is equipped to support a successful, growing practice, the better.
Less paperwork, less stress, and a whole lot more time to dedicate to what really matters: the patients
Read this case study with Stacey Barnes, a private Medical Secretary, about how easy she found the switch to a new software.
Health professionals are busier than ever and it often feels like there simply are not enough hours in the day. From doctors seeing as many patients as possible to admin staff endlessly booking appointments, organising calendars, and sending out invoices, a practice can easily feel run off its feet. The idea of switching practice management software and everything it entails would be the last brick to make the tower topple.
Unfortunately, outdated software systems are simply not time-effective and are probably causing some of the time issues. The unreliable functionality and cumbersome processes of these softwares can eat up hours in the day that could be better spent elsewhere.
The sooner you switch software, the sooner your time will once again be your own. With a more modern, digital software, practice workflows are streamlined by a range of features such as online bookings, pre-consultation questionnaires, e-prescriptions, and billing and invoicing services.
Another common roadblock for many practices on the journey to a new system is the concern of how long it will take to migrate data across.
In truth, the migration process depends on your current software and business workflow. Once your data has been obtained the software provider will be able to tell you how long the migration will take, taking into consideration the size of your data and any tidying up that may need doing. It is easy to transfer invoices, patient records and tasks so you can hit the ground running with the new software.
The long-term benefits of switching software are evident, but is it worth the immediate hassle of learning how to navigate a new software and training up an entire team of staff as well?
The good news is that modern digital softwares are specifically designed to be easy to navigate and seamless to use. Some companies, like Semble, also have a Help Centre where you can find additional support, and a Customer Success service on hand if you are unsure of anything during or following the migration process.
If you’ve been considering changing softwares, then it’s likely that your current software may not be working for your practice. So although you might put off making the move right now, it’s probably delaying something you will come to do in the future.
As your private practice continues to grow and you take on more patients and more staff, your current software will strain more and more to meet the demands of your thriving practice. The sooner the switch to a more efficient and effective software is made, the sooner you can start to build a streamlined and seamless business that can help realise the full potential of your practice.
So don’t hesitate a minute longer.
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